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Don't forget your MOONSHINE gear!

Hey Moonshine fans! Its contest time! The Moonshine Band is ready for a new look for all merchandise and a new logo! So here's the deal - if you're interested in helping with this design and have a good imagination we'd LOVE to see your ideas! Create a design you'd like to see on the new shirts with "MOONSHINE BAND" included on it and a new logo for the band to sport on hats, flyers, business cards and other advertisements! E-mail your work to and put "band contest" as the subject! The band will pick which one best fits them and the winner will receive a shirt with their design, a hat and a CD! Also - if you guys have pictures of or with the band and you want them to be included on the new website, submit those too! Please share this so we can see everyones ideas!!!

The Moonshine Band has high quality mens & ladies tee's, hats, panties,and thongs in assorted colors. All have the Moonshine Band logo and are available to purchase at all of our shows!


COMING SOON our merchandise will be available for online ordering and purchasing as well! Check back soon and place your order online!

Moonshine Band          tee shirts......$15


Assorted colors and sizes available!

Moonshine Band Hats.......$15
Moonshine Band thongs and panties......$5

Black and white available!

Original Moonshine Album



​Phone:  1-252-325-3863


Thanks for stopping by!​​​


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